Boruto-Episode 85 Vorschau

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations-Episode 85 Vorschau und Spoiler

Boruto-Episode 84 is out and while it did not show too many actions, it gave us some interesting facts and revelations. Brunnen, Meiner Meinung nach, Boruto is moving slowly compared to the manga, just like what happened during the Naruto series. Wie auch immer, it’s still a good story that I will surely keep on watching.

Now that we’re heading to Episode 85, I’m here to give some spoilers that may happen in this episode. Before you continue reading, please be reminded that this post contains spoilers. Wenn Sie nicht gespoilert werden möchten, it is recommended to stay away from this posts.

Boruto-Episode 85 Vorschau und Spoiler

While we’re still unsure of this, I believe that the Mitsuki arc will be done before the year ends. Offensichtlich, we don’t have enough episode left in this arc now. Einigen Berichten zufolge, Folge 87 could wrap up the Mitsuki arc. Wie auch immer, let’s move to the spoilers.

Im Boruto: Naruto Next Generations-Episode 85, we will be seeing Boruto with another ninja from the Land of the Earth. Interessant, this two ninja will find the Heart Stone that Onoki has been talking about.

In der Zwischenzeit, we could also see Konohamaru moves in secret. So, it’s safe to say that may see some actions in Dies Folge. Zusätzlich, it seems like Shikadai is in danger as the preview shows him struggling then lose consciousness.

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.