Capítulo Fortnite 2 Fondo de pantalla

Capítulo Fortnite 2: Ubicación de la montaña más alta

Capítulo Fortnite 2 has out for a while now, sin embargo, not all players are already familiar with the new map. Getting familiar with the new map will be a huge help if you’re aiming to complete the challenges in the game.

Epic Games already released numbers of challenge that involves the map location this season and one of them is the challenge called Summit the Highest Mountain Wearing the Journey Outfit. If you’re still having a hard time finding the location of the highest mountain, just continue reading for our quick guide below.

Ubicación de la montaña más alta

There are lots of mountains scattered on the map but the highest one is located on a snowy mountain southeast of Lazy Lake with a coordinate of G7.

To complete the challenge mentioned above, all you need to do is equip the rare outfit named Journey vs Hazard and go the marked location on the map below to complete the challenge.

Capítulo Fortnite 2 Highest Mountain
Capítulo Fortnite 2 Highest Mountain

Consejo profesional: If you want to complete this challenge as fast as possible, just go straight to the location right after you jump off the bus.

Sobre el Autor

Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..