fifa 21

Cómo cambiar el idioma de comentarios predeterminado en FIFA 21

Just like the previous install, the new FIFA 21 also offers a lot of languages for players to choose from. During the initial installation, users have the option to change the default commentary language, which is English, to their desired language. But how can you change the language in case you want to use your local language?

Changing the language in FIFA 21 is pretty easy. All you need to do is go to the Costumise menu > Ajustes > Configuraciones de juego > hit R2 until you reach the Audio option > hit R1. Desde allí, you will be able to change the commentary language

fifa 21

Y eso es. Similar to FIFA 20, not all commentary language will offer commentary team language audio.

Sobre el Autor

Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..