Lega missilistica

Rocket League Update 1.75 Adds Three Vibration Options and More, Note complete sulla patch qui

Developer Psyonix has rolled out Aggiornamento della Rocket League 1.75 Oggi, bringing some changes to the controller vibrations, cursori, e altro ancora.

Il nuovo Lega missilistica update will be available starting today, March 24th, per Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC via Steam, e Nintendo Switch. For players who want to check the list of changes in the update, make sure to check the changelog below.

Rocket League Update 1.75 Note sulla patch

Changes and Updates

Controller Vibration Settings

  • Changed how controller vibration is set under Options -> Controlli.
  • Added three Controller Vibration settings.
    • ‘Disabilitato’ removes all controller vibration.
    • ‘Predefinito’ only vibrates on impacts, boost activation, and explosions.
    • ‘Tutto’ adds vibration for the entire duration of a boost.
  • Aggiunto un ‘Vibration Intensity’ cursore.
    • Slider can move between 0.00 e 3.00 in intervals of 0.10.
    • Setting the slider to 0.00 disables vibration.
    • Intensity settings below 0.5 may have inconsistent results across different controller types due to variance in vibration motors.
  • Slider numbers to recreate legacy settings:
    • Luce: 0.5
    • medio: 1.8
    • Pesante: 3.0

Correzioni di bug


  • Fixed appearance of several Decals.
  • Fixed an issue causing some maps to not appear in Online Matches since v1.74.
  • Fixed Boost mutator in Spike Rush matches.
  • [Vapore, Nintendo Switch] Players can now send more than three messages during a Private or Wireless Match (where applicable) when the match is paused.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.