ワンピース: 海賊戦士 4

ワンピース: Pirate Warriors 4’s New DLC Character Reveals Killer of the Kid Pirates

Following the announcement of the new DLC coming to One Piece: 海賊戦士 4, Bando Namco has officially revealed the new character that will be joining the fight.

詳細によると, キラー, one of the members of the Kid Pirates, will be one of the new characters for the new DLC. The previous character that has been revealed is X Drake, the captain of the Drake Pirates. Now that we already have the two characters for the upcoming DLC, we are now waiting for the last character that will be revealed.

Along with Killer’s reveal, the One Piece: Pirate Warrior 4’s publisher also released some screenshot for the character. Check out the preview below.

ワンピース: 海賊戦士 4 キラー ワンピース: 海賊戦士 4 キラー ワンピース: 海賊戦士 4 キラー ワンピース: 海賊戦士 4 キラー

ワンピース: 海賊戦士 4 Steam経由でPCで利用可能, プレイステーション 4, Xbox One, とニンテンドースイッチ.


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