Desafio Fortbyte 79 Localização

Fortbyte Fortnite #79 Localização: Encontrado em um guia de arcade

It’s a new day in Fornite which only means a new Fortbyte challenge has been unlocked. Desta vez, Fortbyte #79 chamado Found Within an Arcade is the challenge that players need to complete.

Desafio Fortbyte 79 Guia de localização

A lot of players thought that the arcade location for this challenge is the arcade in Paradise Palms, mas não, as the arcade that we are currently talking right now can be found inside the Mega Mall.

Desafio Fortbyte 79 Localização

Então, all you need to do is head to Mega Mall and go to the second floor of the mall. The arcade can be found just in front of the holographic tomato head and Pizza Pit. Assim que você chegar lá, go behind the counter and where you can collect the chip for Fortbyte Challenge #79.

If you haven’t completed all the remaining Fortbyte challenges, certifique-se de verificar o nosso Fortnite guide directory to get started.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.