Receptor 2

Receptor 2 – Dicas e estratégias para torres

This guide will be covering the tips and strategies that you can use for turrets in Receiver 2. If you’re one of the players of Receiver 2 and want to learn more advance details and information about turrets in the game, Este guia é para você.

Dicas e estratégias para torres

Turrets are the main kill drone that you will encounter in Receiver 2, they use a searchlight to find you, and if you step in, they point to you and try to kill you with rifle-calibre bullets of an unknown type (presumivelmente 5.56 NATO but this has not been confirmed).

All turrets share the following components that can be destroyed by a well-positioned shot.

  • Motor: How the turret rotates itself, located at the center of the turret base.
  • Bateria: Gives power to the turrets that destroy the turret.
  • Câmera: The turret’s primary sensor, which destroys this, prevents the turret from detecting you. Shines is a light.
  • CPU/Motion Sensor: An invisible secondary sensor that helps the turret to aim and calculate the distance. Destroying this on most turrets can buy you some time, destroying it on a sleeper turret neutralizes it.
  • Ammo box: Destruction of this box on the back prevents the turret from getting more ammo, mas cuidado, there may still be a round in the chamber.
  • Gun Barrel: When the bullets come out, it’s hard to shoot, mas se você conseguir fazer isso, it’ll bend the shots in a different direction.

Turrets have the most variety in the game, the following properties can be mixed and matched (with the obvious exceptions being the location, floor or ceiling)

  • Sweeping: Turns the body into a preset angle with a delay.
  • Rotating: Searches at a constant point in the area,
  • Prototype: “Cut outyou can see the inside of the base.
  • Standard: Like a prototype, but the insides are covered by a thin metal plate.
  • Sleeper: Not active until you have crossed the motion sensor (which range is invisible).
  • Blindado: Has armor plating covering both the front and the sides of the turret.

When dealing with turrets, the goal is generally to disable them, although sneaking around is an option.

  • I personally like to aim for cameras, they’re big targets and don’t have the danger of being potentially dangerous once they’ve been destroyed, remember all the enemies one shot killed!
  • Armored turrets can be tricky to deal with, but the SAA or Desert Eagle can penetrate their armor, por outro lado, you might have to steal it to get a better angle. Their armor does not cover the top, the back or the bottom.
  • Ceiling Turrets are vulnerable from below as they have a massive blind spot.
    The flipside turrets on the ground are vulnerable from above, but up close you can hide at a sharp angle below them.
  • Sweeping turrets are often ideal hacking targets, drop ammo and are relatively easy to sneak around with some good use of cover, sprint and patience.
  • When turrets die they drop ammo.
  • Floor turrets fire faster than their ceiling counterparts

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