This guide will help you locate Twelve Minutes save game data and files on your computer. If you’re planning to make some changes or modify the date of your Twelve Minutes saves, then check the directory stated below.
Twelve Minutes Save Game Location
The location of Twelve Minutes is almost the same as the previous installment of the franchise. But for the sake of players who don’t have any idea where to find the save game, here’s where you can find it. By default, Twelve Minutes save is located at:
Windows (Steam)
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Nomada\Twelve Minutes\
Windows (Microsoft Store)
Linux (Steam Play)
Note that the <Username>
corresponds to the profile name that you used when you set up your Windows OS.
Again, we highly recommend making a backup copy of the Twelve Minutes’ save file before making any changes. This will not only keep your game saves safe, but also restore any changes if anything bad happens.