Fortnite Launch Fireworks Along The River Bank

فورتنايت 14 ايام الصيف: All Fireworks Along The River Bank Locations

One of the challenges in 14 Days of Summer in Fortnite is to Launch Fireworks found Along The River Banks. This challenge is pretty simple. All you need to do is visit three fireworks locations, light them up, and fire them to the sky. Once you have successfully fired three fireworks, you will get a notification telling that you have done so and receive the Summer pickaxe as a reward.

All Fireworks Locations in 14 ايام الصيف

هناك ما مجموعه 6 fireworks on the map and to help you complete this challenge as fast as possible, here’s where you can find them. Below are the written map location and the visual map guide.

  • North of Lazy Lagoonnear the three floating boats
  • South of Lazy Lagoonnear the small waterfall
  • East of Loot Lakenear the station wagon and RV
  • East of Neo Tiltedbelow the wind turbine near a pine tree
  • South of Neo Tiltedalso near the wind turbine
  • West of Fatal Fieldson a snowy area near the bridge
Fortnite Fireworks Locations
Fortnite Fireworks Locations

وهذا كل شيء. ثانية, you only need to fire 3 fireworks to complete the challenge. If you haven’t completed all the remaining 14 Days of Summer challenges, visit our exclusive event guide from هنا.

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