أكاديمية بطلي

My Hero Academia Shocks Fans With Shigaraki’s Awakening

Kohei Horikoshi’s superhero manga, أكاديمية بطلي is back with another manga chapter. While we know that the previous chapters of the series are just a preparation for a bigger party, fans are still caught off guard with the happenings in Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 272.

The big update follows the situation in the Paranormal Liberation Raid. في الفصل 270, My Hero Academia sees the unconscious Shigaraki وفي نفس الوقت, we have also seen his body reacts. The previous chapter did not continue showing Shigaraki but instead, it highlights how Tokoyami saved Hawks from death.

That was actually a good chapter but now that Chapter 272 has dropped, every hype from the previous release seems like a filler. في هذا الفصل, we have seen how Shigaraki finally wakes up showcasing the new power that he acquired.

X-Less, who is with Tomura, sees the villain sitting while hearing the words that he feels cold. في أثناء, Present Mic has successfully brought Kyudai Garaki outside of the building. But right after they got outside, they have seen Tomura’s Quirk destroying the building.

Gran Torino also sees what’s happening and instructs all the heroes inside to immediately evacuate the area. Other pro heroes were also spotted escaping the devastating power of Tomura.

في أثناء, دكتور. Kyudai Garaki was seen shouting that a plus ultra Shigaraki has risen and it’s the villain’s victory. في نفس الوقت, Midoriya was also seen enraged while exhibiting 45% of his power. Is he going to take a head-to-head match against Shigaraki? Let’s find out in the upcoming new chapters of My Hero Academia.

عن المؤلف

بيلي هو من محبي الأنمي المهووسين. يحب قراءة المانغا ومشاهدة الرسوم المتحركة في أوقات فراغه. سلسلة الأنمي والمانغا المفضلة لديه هي One Piece وHunter x Hunter.