Schwarzer Klee

Schwarzklee-Episode 138 Veröffentlichungsdatum

Schwarzklee-Episode 138 ist gleich um die Ecke. Following the events in the previous episode, the production team behind the anime adaptation of Yuki Tabata’s Black Clover series is ready to roll out the newest update.

In diesem Anime-Guide, you will not only learn when will be the release date of the 138th episode of Black Clover anime, but also discover where to watch the new episode online. Zusätzlich, you will also get a chance to watch the exclusive preview of Black Clover Episode 138.

Schwarzklee-Episode 138 Details and Info

Veröffentlichungsdatum: August 11, 2020
Episodentitel: In Zara’s Footsteps
Episodenzusammenfassung: TBA
Episode Duration24 Protokoll
Streaming-Links: Animelab, Knusperrolle, Funimation, Hallo, und das Seil

What to do in case you don’t see the latest episode of Black Clover anime series on the scheduled premiere date? Falls das passiert, we highly recommend visiting Black Clover’s official website or any related media channels such as Twitter to see if there is a delay or schedule changes. Ebenfalls, please note that the episode will only be available online once it finished its broadcast in Japan.

Schwarzklee-Episode 138 Vorschau

Black Clover Synopsis

A young boy named Asta dreams of becoming the greatest wizard in the kingdom. Jedoch, Asta has one problem of becoming a wizard as he can’t use any magic. Glücklicherweise, Asta received the incredibly rare five-leaf clover grimoire that gives him the ability to use the power of anti-magic. Will Asta be able to achieve his dream of becoming the Wizard King?

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.