Letzte Theorie

Letzte Theorie – Tipps und Anleitungen für Anfänger

This video game guide will be covering the basic things new players need to know in Final Theory. In addition to this beginner’s guide, you will also be able to get the tips on how to win the game easily.

Letzte Theorie

Quick Start Guide

Am Anfang, this game can be very unforgiving. Since you can only apply 1 move per turn, be smart with your decisions. Some golden rules:

  • Capture the near vicinity and build a fleet.
  • Around turn 30-50 EXPAND and protect your borders.
  • Sobald du hast 2-3 stronger fleets expand and destroy enemy fleets.
  • Keep in mind to protect your borders.
  • Build cheap Frigate to Explore as a scout.
  • Jetzt, try to build some ships in reserve to deploy when/where needed.
  • Try to find Enrichment stations to get your fleet-size up.. sobald du hast 5-6 ships/fleet things get easier.


Seien Sie clever, focus fire to prevent enemies from recovering shield/repair. Nutze alle deine Buffs/Fähigkeiten.


  1. Schalte Dreadnaught/Schlachtschiff aus
  2. Schlachtkreuzer/Kreuzer
  3. Träger
  4. Smallfry (Fregatten/Korvetten)


  • Boost-Schild (gute HEILUNG)
  • Schild härten (insb. Flaggschiff zu schützen)
  • Härtende Rüstung (nur Endspiel, wenn das Imperium Mark5-7-Schiffe hat)
  • Mikrosprung (Mobilität ist KÖNIG, vor allem, wenn Sie Torpedokreuzerflotten spielen)
  • Thermische Raketen (360° Bereich 2-3 gegen Rüstung)
  • EMP-Sperrfeuer (AoE gegen Schilde)
  • Thermalsperrfeuer (AoE vs. Rüstung, sobald der Schild unten ist)
  • Torpedo (Plasma, Antimaterie)

Upgrade durchführen

Einige Grundregeln für intelligentes Upgrade:

  • Neue Extra-Fähigkeit > Altes verbessern
  • Reduzierung der Nachladezeit > Schaden verbessern

Beste Waffen

Plasmakanone im frühen/mittleren Spiel (Schlachtschiff) und Plasmatorpedo (Kreuzer) ist rundum das Beste. Später, Antimaterie wird zu einer Sache, aber der einzige Kreuzer kann es bekommen X3 und 2 dreht sich zum Nachladen.

Es sei denn, Sie spielen eine Haiflotte mit hoher Mobilität, Antimaterie ist schwach. Aber wenn aktualisiert, a Mark7/8 Cruiser is a beast and can kill enemy Cruisers/Battlecruisers in 1 drehen 80% der ganzen Zeit.

Best Ships

There are lots of options to choose from. But in this guide, we recommend:

  • Dreadnaught: extreme dmg, but lacks ShieldBreaker skills
  • Schlachtschiff: Plasma is King in the midgame. Kinetic Cannon is pricy and still outclassed by M5 Dreadnaught.
  • Butterknife: fully upgraded Mark8 CRUISER.


Mark3 + Dreadnaught > Mark5 + Kreuzer > Mark3+ Battleship > ..all others

Ideal economic fleet for EXPERT and higher is this:

  • 1-2 Battleship/Dreadnaught (To finish weakened ships – Thermalsperrfeuer)
    1-2 BattleCruisers (as shield breaker + EMP-Sperrfeuer, later ShieldBoost + ShieldHardening)
  • 4-6 Kreuzer (plasma + antimatter torpedo, then X3, later Hardening)

Even if you experience a loss due to enemy using nuclear Warhead, rebuild in 10-15 wendet sich. For Expert/Master/GrandMaster fast recovery after a loss is absolutely crucial.


KI “Träger” pump out Corvettes every few turns, so kill those fast. Dangerous unless you have strong dmg per turn (Kreuzer, Battlecruisers, Battleships/ Dreadnaughts). But Carriers have a good offense, just beware their EMP rain. Encircle or stay within 1 field as they can’t do much.

Reinigung “Corvettes”:

  • During first 50 wendet sich: 2-4 Carriers are a pain, aber machbar – just use 3-4 Torpedo Cruisers.
  • Mid/endgame: Battleship/Battlecruiser EMP Barrage + Dreadnaught Thermal Barrage they eat all small ship fleets this game offers.
  • All this is especially important once you play Expert difficulty.


First two options: EASY for Casual Players. Eigentlich, Expert+ difficulty is great, because exploring fast doesn’t reward you a free ship anymore! This makes the game more fair and competitive. Leider, AI has many other advantages, which keeps it a tough call.

For Master/Grandmaster starting environment is vital. If the spot is not good regarding available resources/enrichment/ships after 10-12turns, start new or the disadvantage will grow.

Master/GM mode rely on you taking out easier garrisons in first 10 turns with just 2 Schiffe. Use Destroyers and upgrade Mark2 (jump drive) after first fights. Be warned that Master/GM turn 40+ is extremely hard!

Zusätzliche Bemerkungen

The Frigate is not worth it. Destroyer is just a temporary fix to enlarge your Fleet
Carrier is not worth it. Unless it has better supportability. Once Dreadnaught is available, Battleship is quite costly compared to the effectiveness.

And that’s all for today’s Final Theory guide. Wir möchten uns bedanken wespe for submitting this beginner’s guide.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.