Fortbyte-Herausforderung 17 Ort

Fortnite Fortbyte #17 Ort: Gefunden in einem hölzernen Fischgebäude

Fortnite has officially unlocked Fortbyte-Herausforderung 17 and similar to the previous challenges, players are tasked to find another chip. Collecting these chips will solve the Fortbyte puzzle and if you’re one of the fans wanting to unlock the mystery, you need to collect all of them.

Found Inside a Wooden Fish Building Location Guide

Fortbyte-Herausforderung #17 is called Found inside a wooden fish building. It’s a bit confusing if you’re not familiar with the new Fortnite map and to help you with this challenge, we’re guiding you to its exact location. So without further ado, Gehen wir zu seinem Standort.

The chip has a coordinate of G2 sitting somewhere in the hot spring northeast of Lazy Lagoon. Head to that location and you will find a wooden fish building. Unlike the other Fortbyte challenges, the chip for Fortbyte 17 is hidding inside the building. In order to find the chip #17, you need to destroy the lower tail part of the wooden fish building.

Gefunden in einem hölzernen Fischgebäude

And that’s where the Fortbyte chip #17 is located. Have you already found all the remaining chips? Wenn nicht, Überprüfen Sie unbedingt unsere Fortbyte location guide to help you unlock all the Fortbyte challenges.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.