Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 5 Standort des Kampfsterns

Fortnite-Saison 7: Geheimer Battle Star-Standort (Woche 5)

Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 5 ist hier, which means there’s a new set of challenges that players need to complete. Similar to the previous challenge, players are tasked to find the secret battle star hidden on the map. Ohne weiteres, here is the exact battle star location for week 5.

Fortnite-Saison 7 Woche 5 Standort des Kampfsterns

Vierzehn Tage Jahreszeit 7 Woche 5 Geheimer Battle Star-Standort

For the fifth week of Season 7, the location of the secret battle star can be found once again in Frosty Flights. This week’s battle star can be found in coordinate B9. It’s located in an old bed on top of a shaft inside the small snowy cave in B9.

Similar to the previous battle star requirement, you first need to finish five sets of challenges from the previous weekly challenges for this season. Once you met the requirement, the battle star will automatically appear once your near.

In addition to the battle star, players will also receiveFind the Secret Battlestar in Loading Screen #5snowfall challenge.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.