Wie man in Hinterwelten eine maximale Trennung von Kopf und Körper erreicht

A guide on how to achieve maximum separation of head and body in Backworlds and unlock the achievement calledNo Such Thing as a Brontosaurus”.


I struggled to find a good guide for this achievement online. So, now that I got it for myself, I decided to make a guide for the three people who might need it in the future. You’re welcome.

For the achievement to be unlocked, you have to hold an object with your head and have it be as far as possible from where your body is. For this to happen, you have to stay still and make the object move on its own, through the use of your brush.


The place where I managed to do that was in the desert area, using the water brush and the wind from one of the puzzles.

Here is the location on the map:


Anfangen, use the brush to paint something like this:

Your end goal is for the box to end right here:

You’ll have to stand in the bottom left corner of the room, above the corridor, while holding on to the box, as it floats upward and to the right due to the water and the wind.

The first trick is to not let the box rise all the way up by painting only up to the required height. The second trick is to give the box some momentum to the right as soon as it starts rising. Dieser Weg, it will reach the wind and float toward the intended place.

I recorded my screen when the achievement unlocked for me. Just follow my steps and you’ll get it too:


Ich hoffe, dieser Leitfaden war hilfreich für Sie. I got the idea to use this room from the (eins) other guide for this game here on Steam, but their explanation was not enough in-depth for me, so that’s why I made my own guide. Trotzdem, make sure to drop a like on that guide, zu!

Dieser Leitfaden über Backworlds wurde geschrieben von LuisOtavioFS193. Von hier aus können Sie die Originalveröffentlichung besuchen Verknüpfung. Wenn Sie Bedenken bezüglich dieses Leitfadens haben, Bitte zögern Sie nicht, uns zu erreichen hier.

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