So erhalten Sie auf Steam Deck eine stabile Framerate unter Kontrolle

My recommendations to play Control on the Steam Deck with good graphics at stable 40 frames per second.

These settings aim to

provide a smooth but good-looking experience
eliminate/reduce issues with textures not loading

The framerate

can go below 40 fps during certain cutscenes. I focused on gameplay.
Won’t be 100% locked at 40.
There can be gameplay situations where it goes to 39 oder 38 for a second.
But those are uncommon, and lowering the settings even further could not 100% eliminate them in my testing,
unless you lower them extremely.

Don’t forget to lock your framerate to 40 in the Steam Deck Quick Settings!

The Settings

Copy these settings:

  • Check that the resolution is set to 1280×800. There are reports of this game defaulting to higher resolutions.
  • Lock the framerate to 40 fps within the Steam Deck Quick Settings.
  • Leave the texture quality at “Mittel”.
    Going higher will cause issues with texture streaming not always loading in the final texture. So if you go higher, it looks worse. (And medium still looks great on the Deck.)
  • Film grain and motion blur are optional. I would recommend using motion blur when using a controller and playing below 60 fps.
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