
Laufen, Bewegen, Laufen! Leistung – Modell

Laufen, Bewegen, Laufen!
Entered the Arch Tower on your first try.

How to Unlock Run, Bewegen, Laufen! Leistung

Make sure that you have a manual save during the last chapter calledThe Exchangeif you want to try this until the level is speeded up. The only thing I can think of is to make sure you’re on the left side of the arch when you reach the center sphere and maybe use the lever to drive the smaller sphere away when you move it to the destination. I just didn’t use the button to make it. Repeat as many times as you need to, learn the fastest route first, then when you’re ready to try the trophy, start again.

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Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.