Die Geschichte von Bistun

Das Tale of Bistun-Handbuch zu Steuerelementen und Verknüpfungen

The Tale of Bistun is developer Black Cube Gamesnewest action-adventure video game. Im Spiel, you will be playing as a stone carver with no memories and you’re goal is to discover your true identity.

Jedoch, it’s not an easy task as there will be lots of enemies and challenges that you’re about to encounter. To help you unveil the truth, this page will offer the list of The Tale of Bistun controls. Brunnen, having a basic knowledge of the game is the first step to achieving and beating the game.

The Tale of Bistun Controls

The following are the default The Tale of Bistun key bindings and shortcuts. Leider, it seems that these default keys are fixed as we didn’t find any in-game option to change or remap the controls.

BewegungW A S D
RollenSpace Baar
AttackeLinke Maustaste
Aktive FähigkeitRechte Maustaste
Speisekarte / Der RückenEsc
The Tale of Bistun Controls

Abgesehen von der Maus- und Tastaturunterstützung, you can also enjoy the game with a gamepad controller. As confirmed by the official Steam page, The Tale of Bistun has full controller support.

Here are the default controls for The Tale of Bistun using a controller:

With all the listed The Tale of Bistun controls above, you’re now ready to enter the new world.

This also concludes our The Tale of Bistun controls guide. Falls wir eine wichtige Steuerung des Spiels verpasst haben, Bitte zögern Sie nicht, uns dies mitzuteilen.

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