Cómo solucionar el error FINAL TFAV0012

A fix for anti-cheat error TFAV0012.


While on the main menu or after leaving a match, you may get this error that exits the game after:

An internal anti-cheat integrity check failed.

Embark ID <your id>
Error Code TFAV0012

This ‘failed integrity checkis having the vulnerable driver blocklist disabled.

Fix using regedit

1. Run regedit as administrator

2. Paste this path in the address bar:


3. Modify VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable and set value data from 0 a 1

4. Reanudar (para una buena medida)

Fix using Windows Security

Windows Security can also manage the blocklist option. Do note that depending on your os version and build the features/layout of Windows Security may change.

  1. Open Windows Security
  2. Head to Device security
  3. Under Core Isolation, click on Core isolation details
  4. Palanca Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist a En
  5. Reanudar (para una buena medida)
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