Cómo conseguir todos los personajes en Nordic Ashes

A guide to show you easy ways on how to get specific characters

Unlock all Characters

Welcome to this guide!

in the following guide, you will get some tips on how to unlock all the characters in an easy way. Keep in mind there is probably different ways to approuce this, this is just how i managed to do it.


Beende Niflheim auf Hard mit mindestens einem Eis-Herz

Spielt hierfür am besten als Amaranth und skillt ihre Fähigkeit «Smaragarmreif» die euch alle 50 Sekunden ein grünes Herz gibt. Grüne Herzen gehen automatisch an letzter Stelle. Sprich, sobald ihr 2 Eisherzen habt, könnt ihr schauen das ihr euch einen Puffer aus grünen Herzen aufbaut, damit ihr so die Eisherzen schützen könnt.

Complete Niflheim on Hard with at least one Ice Heart. Para esto, it’s best to play as Amaranth and level up her skill «Emerald Braceletwhich grants you a green heart every 50 segundos. Green hearts are automatically placed at the end. Asi que, once you have 1-2 ice hearts, try to build up a buffer of green hearts to protect the ice hearts.


Obtener 2 full green hearts in one round

Lograr esto, you simply need to have at least 2 green hearts in a single round. Choose the character you feel most comfortable with to avoid taking damage. There isn’t much else to consider.


Find his gravesite

In the character selection, you will be shown the exact level you need to play and the wave you need to reach. Once you are there, search the map for Blud’s gravesite (tombstone with a red moon on it) and touch it. It should open, and a question mark should appear.

(Screenshot to follow)


Conquistar «Halvard the destroyer»

Halvard is the second mini boss in Midgard.


Libre 100,000 Enemy Shadows

Para esto, just play the game, as soon as you manage to kill 100,000 enemigos, you unlock Hansi.


Tener por lo menos 8 hearts of any kind in one round

It’s best to focus on relics that add red hearts. It doesn’t matter if they are full or empty hearts, as empty ones can be filled with potions. Sin embargo, blue hearts should also be taken if you don’t find enough relics by the end of the round.

Helpful relics include:

Butter Cookie


Loaf of Bread

Sea Urchin






Enter the shop 7 times without buying anything

In the character selection, you will see the character name as «???????» – for each visit to the shop where you don’t make a purchase, uno «?» will disappear. Absolutely nothing should be done in the shop, and the crystal should not be collected. To be on the safe side, simply leave the shop immediately. The easiest way to do this is with


since you generally want to keep your gold with him.

Some sources on the internet suggest that you need to have unlocked 7 relics and 7 artifacts each in the glossary. Desafortunadamente, I couldn’t personally confirm or refute this as I unlocked M.I.S.S.I.N.G. very late in the game.


Hablarör’s Favor

To gain my trust, you must shop with me 25 veces. You can always find Talkôr at the end of each pre-boss room*.


Matar «The Skavenger King»

That is the first mini boss in Midgard

esta guía sobre Nordic Ashes fue escrito por Smørbrød. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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