Cómo traducir canciones de Wuxia al inglés

Cómo traducir el juego, con una descarga de traducción. Realizado por Csf91 con la aprobación del desarrollador..


After talking with the developer, I’ve been translating the game in my free time. I’m sharing this here because I’ve felt that it was the best place to do so, and I’ll include a Mega download link since pastebin didn’t work due to the maximum size allowed.

The translation is semi-automated, however I did my best to make the item and character names consistent across lines/translations. By semi-automated I mean MTL, Sí, but then I’ve manually revised it and edited it (or completely redid the parts that felt not good enough).

Since i didn’t complete the game yet, there’s parts that I couldn’t test. They should work but the texts may be too long, and I can not put them in another line due to how it works.

Descargo de responsabilidad

I’ve asked for permission the developer, who allowed me to do the translation.
Some texts won’t fit perfectly due to the translation taking up to 3x the space, however for dialogues if this happens you can still read them in the log by pressing the middle mouse button.

I’m not doing any kind of reverse engineering, or modifying any of the packed game files. That means i can not translate in example the settings options/tabs, or the combat selection icons, as a few examples. Everything I could translate is translated, 100%.

How to download and install

  • Descargar el archivo.
  • Navigate to the game’s install folder and unzip there (inside the zip it has the folder structure needed). Otherwise open the zip and unzip the «Dictionary.txt» a [SongsOfWuxia\Songs_Of_WuXia_Data\StreamingAssets\Tables] and put the file there (Sobrescribir, or rename the original). Puedes ignorar el «Dictionary_orig.txt» which is there as a backup of the original.
  • If you start the game and it says «Press any button to continue» in the Title screen, it’s done and ready to play, check the first screenshot below for an example.

The ZIP file contains a backup of the original «Dictionary.txt» llamado «Dictionary_orig.txt» It is along the translated file as means of backup, in case you want to restore the game back to the original, so you won’t need to verify files or reinstall the game.

Capturas de pantalla

esta guía sobre Songs Of Wuxia fue escrito por Csf91. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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