Cómo utilizar la terminal de Lethal Company con un controlador

Ejecute comandos de terminal en el juego usando joysticks/trackpads con facilidad y sin modificaciones..

Controller setup

Open Game Controller Settings, hacer clic «Editar diseño

Hacer clic «Menús virtualesCreate a Virtual Menu and name it.

Consejo: You can add another Virtual Menu as an entry on an existing Virtual Menu.

Then pick a your preferred menu layout. I prefer Radial Menu.

Hacer clic 🖉 to edit the menu.

Hacer clic «Add Virtual Menu Entry» and choose the first letter of the terminal command (ex. SIGURD, select ‘S’).

Beside «S Key,» hacer clic ⚙ to configure command, hacer clic «Add extra commandthen select the next letter to input (similar to typing a word). Repeat until the letters make a word.

Consejo: Usually the first three letters of a command is a valid input (ex. COIL HEAD, entering COI is acceptable).

After the last letter of the word, «Add extra command» to execute («Ingresar ↵» llave) into the in-game terminal.

On every command, Hacer clic ⚙, cambiar «Regular Press» a «Start Press

Consejo: On the last command. Instead of «Start Press,» es «Release Press.» To preview the command before execution.

If you have more commands, return to step 4otherwise proceed.

Consejo: You can customize every radial menu button by clicking the dotted line circle.

Finalmente, apply the virtual menu to either Joysticks o Trackpads.

Here is the result:

Consejo: This guide is not exclusive to Lethal Company.


Issue 1: Activating doors and disabling mines/turrets since it’s generado aleatoriamente. Also switching to specific teammates name or pinging/flashing a specific Radar Booster name.

Solución: Launch virtual keyboard (Vapor + X) or use a physical keyboard

Issue 2: Repeating letters. If these steps are applied to the word TELEPORTER the output on in-game terminal is TELPOR which will give an error.


Start Press on T, E and L.

Release Press on E, PAGS, O, R and T.

Release Press on two final letters E and R with a 100 millisecond delay.

Community layout

For a better demonstration, check Lethal Company Community Layout:

Lethal Commander


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