hasta que caigas

Logro Monje de Rokar – hasta que caigas

This is a guide for the Monk of Rokar achievement in Until You Fall. To earn this achievement you must complete the game on any difficulty using a combination of the Knight-Blooded Crest and Spellsword’s Charm

This guide will cover everything you need to know to complete the Monk of Rokar challenge in Until You Fall. While this challenge is difficult, it is much easier when knowing how best to approach the challenge.

Before attempting this challenge, it is recommended you have Knight-Blooded Crest to Level 10. The 10th level upgrade increases it’s health damage from 1 a 3, which will be vital as this will be the only way to deal health damage at the start. The spellsword charm being upgraded will also help you considerably, but is not quite as important. Todavía, I would recommend upgrading it at least to Abyssal pulse. This guide will assume you have both upgraded to level X. If you do not, the easiest way to farm is to run Relaxed for Aether. If you can’t complete a full run, be sure to reset the bosses between every run as they provide a lot of Aether when defeated.

This challenge can be physically demanding. Be sure you are well rested, and have some water handy. Also remember that you can pause the game at any time if you need to take a break.

Our Weapons

Para este desafío, we’ll be using the Knight-Blooded Crest and Spellsword’s charm. al nivel 10 cada, this is what we’ll start with:

Knight-Blooded Crest (Arma principal): 10 guard damage / 3 health damage / Concussive Blast Martial Focus / Lo inevitable / 4 Empty Slots

Spellsword’s Charm (Arma secundaria): 2 guard damage / 1 health damage / Trampa del Vacío Arcano / Pulso abisal / llamada del olvido / 4 Empty Slots

Estadísticas del jugador:

  • 6 salud (+3)
  • 20 impacto de guión
  • 5 cargos de guión (+2)
  • 4 combinado

El Knight-Blooded Crest será nuestra principal arma para este desafío.. 10 el daño de la guardia está ligeramente por debajo del promedio, pero igual a las dagas por lo que no es inmanejable. La parte difícil de infligir daño de guardia es la incapacidad de infligir daño de guardia a través del bloqueo..

Mucho peor es el 3 health damage, la mitad de lo que hacen la mayoría de las armas. Esto hará que tratar el daño a la salud sea bastante difícil..

El enfoque marcial no nos sirve, ya que casi nunca atacaremos con el encanto de nuestra Spellsword, y un 30% bonificación a 2 el daño del protector asciende a 0.6 guard damage.

Sucker Punch es menos útil de lo normal ya que no podemos sujetarlo para usarlo en un momento oportuno. Todavía, obtener daño de guardia x3 de vez en cuando será útil.

Tenemos 4 enchufes vacios. Three of these must be used for Super upgrades to gain Concussive Blast IV. This leaves only 1 other guaranteed empty slot to improve the weapon with. Idealmente, this will be something that improves health damage, such as Lethal Elegance, Heart seeker, or Serrated. Weighted is a less desirable option that usual, mainly due to the low base damage. We’d prefer bonuses that provide set amounts rather than percentage based ones since the base amounts are lower.

Given that we know 3 fuera de 4 of the slots will be used on super upgrades, we’d ideally like to pick a Shard of Foresight when available, as the extra slot will be useful.

The Spellsword’s Charm will be our off-hand weapon. It’s guard and health damage are too low to be of any use attacking with it.

Arcane nos proporcionará una supercarga más rápida. Esto será muy útil ya que necesitamos Concussive Blast IV para superar este desafío.. Void Trap también es bastante útil y uno de los mejores súper..

Abyssal Pulse será útil principalmente para empujar a los enemigos hacia atrás para habilitar una carga de daño completa. El combo será para cargar en, pulso abisal al enemigo de vuelta, y luego cargar de nuevo.

Call of Oblivion es un bono que esperamos no tener que usar, pero puede ayudarte en momentos difíciles.

Nos gustaría usar 3 del 4 ranuras vacías en Super Upgrades, pero esto es menos importante que obtener una explosión de conmoción cerebral 4. La última ranura se puede usar para selecciones de utilidad como Nimble o Stalwart.

empezamos con 6 salud, que es mucho más alto de lo habitual. Si bien la salud adicional es útil por sí sola, ideally it will be used to pick up Shards of Courage, Ira, and Foresight. En general, we’d like 1-2 shards of foresight and as many shards of wraith as possible. Shards of courage aren’t bad, but also not quite as needed.

20 dash impact along with 2 extra dash charges gives us good offensive ability via dashes. Como tal, Nimble becomes a pretty good pickup for this challenge. It’s vital to make use of dashes and this will be explained in the general strategy section.

4 Combo is a pretty good starting amount. Since we’re relying mostly on concussive, we don’t particularly need more, but it can be nice. If we pick up Lethal elegance or get a good amount of shards of wrath or serrated, we may want more.

Dodge Indicators

Dodging will obviously be a large part of this challenge, given that we cannot block. Como tal, es importante saber cómo funciona esquivar.

El indicador de esquivar aparecerá como una flecha animada que apunta en la dirección de esquivar si no estás en la posición correcta para esquivar el ataque.. Una vez que esté en la posición correcta, hay un tono suave., la flecha dejará de moverse y se iluminará ligeramente. Mientras las flechas de esquivar estén en ese estado, esquivarás el ataque entrante. A menudo esquivas múltiples ataques moviéndote a la misma posición si las flechas están más o menos en la misma dirección., así que prestar atención a esto te ahorrará mucho esfuerzo..

Los enemigos eligen el área a la que apuntan en función de cuándo comienzan un combo.. No reajustan mid-combo, pero se ajustará entre combos. Entonces, si un enemigo te lanza un combo, es posible que puedas esquivar ambos ataques esquivando. Sin embargo, si sigues agachándote, reajustarán su puntería a tu nueva posición más baja, y tendrías que agacharte aún más para esquivar este ataque. Esto significa que es importante "restablecer’ tu posición vuelve a estar de pie entre combos.

A veces, un combo puede terminar y otro comenzar muy rápido antes de que puedas reiniciar. Los capitanes tienen este problema especialmente en uno de sus combos donde requieren que esquives a la derecha., luego a la izquierda, luego sigue rápidamente con otro ataque que requiere que esquives hacia la izquierda, antes de que probablemente haya reiniciado. Esto significa que tendrías que moverte aún más al nivel para esquivar el ataque.. En estas situaciones, es importante tener en cuenta que el indicador todavía está animado de que no esquivarás el ataque. Una vez que notas esto, simplemente da marcha atrás.

En realidad, dado que tienes 5 cargos de guión, es una buena idea mantener siempre 1 o 2 listo para la movilidad. Si sientes que estás fuera de posición o no te gusta que entre el combo, simplemente aléjate y reinicia.

Es mucho más fácil entender esto si realmente lo estás viendo que tratando de describirlo con palabras.. La guía de video mostrará esto y explicará en detalle cómo funcionan los indicadores de esquivar.

Estrategia general

La estrategia general es usar Concussive Blast IV para hacer la mayor parte del trabajo.. Antes de que esté en línea, usaremos guiones para romper la guardia. Después, los guiones se usan para infligir daño de guardia para recargar la conmoción cerebral y evitar enemigos.

En IV, explosión de conmoción se ocupará 5 damage on impact and apply Soul Burn for an additional 16 daño. This gives you 21 damage AoE on an extremely quick charging super. This will be how we handle the majority of enemies.

Remember that breaking guard and dealing health damage aren’t needed once you have concussive blast IV. By all means, take advantage of opportunities to do so, but above all be patient, play defensive, and let your super work for you.

In terms of power up selection, you want to prioritize supers over almost everything until you have concussive blast IV. The game will not offer you a super upgrade in tier 1 once you already have 2 super upgrades equipped, so you will need to wait until Tier 2 to get CBIV online.

The only powerups you should take over super upgrades before having concussive IV are Lethal Elegance or Heartseeker, e incluso entonces solo si tiene suficientes ranuras para garantizar 3 de ellos entran en súper actualizaciones. Si se le da la opción, Tomaría Concussive blast IV otro Lethal Elegance cada vez.

Recomendaría evitar ponderado, ya que las estadísticas de base baja significan que +25% la bonificación es mucho menos útil de lo normal. Si tienes mucha suerte y tienes muchos fragmentos de ira o ya tienes una ranura dentada y vacía de un fragmento de previsión, entonces podrías considerarlo más adelante.. Pero en 3 daño a la salud obteniendo un 25% la bonificación simplemente no vale la pena dado lo apretados que son sus tragamonedas.

También puede duplicar la conmoción cerebral con un rasgo súper estimulante como el hambre. Personalmente, no me gusta esto porque Arcane ya es lo suficientemente bueno., pero si es tarde en Tier 3 y tienes la ranura, puedes considerarlo.

On your Spellsword’s charm, you can take whatever utility you like. Nimble and Stalwart and good picks, but really anything works. You can be a bit more flexible on your slots with the spellsword’s charm, getting void trap IV is not mandatory, although it is quite powerful.

You should also prioritize shards of resolve, because the more health you have the more shards of courage, foresight, and wraith you can take.

Shards of foresight should be taken in tier 1 y 2. In tier 3 it’s a toss up depending on how far in you are, as you really don’t want to trade a point of health for a slot unless you’re going to fill it.

Shards of wrath are very valuable, as you need all the health damage you can get. A single shard of wrath is enough to enable you to one combo the 15 health husks.

Shards of courage are less valuable, but still pretty good. If you found lethal elegance or heartseeker than their value goes up as you should be good on health damage. Also note that the +2 guard damage becomes +6 cada 20 seconds with sucker punch.

I’d recommend not going too low on health unless you are comfortable with the horror fight. Ideally you should have 3-5 health or so, on the higher end if you think you’ll need it because you aren’t confident avoiding the fireballs.

Combo largely depends on your build. If you are staying at 3 health damage and relying on concussive then 4 es suficiente. If you have Lethal Elegance or increased the base health damage via shards of wrath or serrated then you may want more. This is to taste and what your options are, sometimes you’ll have the choice of combo or 2 other weak options in which case combo is generally fine.

Dash impact is a solid pickup, but generally you don’t want to prioritize it over anything other than combo, aether, cicatrización, or bad traits. You might still get some rooms where it’s the only sensible option and when that happens don’t feel too bad, it’s pretty useful.

Specific Enemies

caballeros: Knights are problematic due to how fast and aggressive they tend to be, even on relaxed. You will likely need to dodge because kiting them is difficult. Thankfully they are really only a problem in Tier 1 and perhaps 2 until you have upgrades.

Most of their combos can be avoided by ducking. The hardest combo they have requires you to dodge left, Correcto, then left again or the same in reverse. This isn’t too difficult, but if you see the combo coming via the indicators remember you can just dash away.

capitanes: Captains are slow and less aggressive. Abuse this by using dashes and Abyssal pulse. They also like to push you back after you dash into them, giving you the ability to dash right back in and deal your impact damage again. Ideally you won’t have to dodge their attacks but you may want to as this will open them up to critical hits.

Spell-weavers: These manage to be even worse than they normally are. Concussive blast will knock their projectiles out of the air and stun them. Once you have concussive blast VI you can almost kill them with a single activation, leaving them with no guard and hit 1 away from death. I would recommend eliminating them quickly.

To deal with fireballs, slash at them with your Knight-blooded crest as if you had invisible wolverine claws. Use a quick flick at your elbow, you don’t need a wide swing with your shoulder since the amount of damage dealt doesn’t matter. You just need a hit, any hit, to register to destroy the fireball.

Empowered Knights: The normal strategy of dealing just enough damage to prevent them from empowering them and then comboing them down is a lot harder here, because Concussive IV is AoE and the KBC has very low health damage. Como tal, you will likely just have to deal with them empowering.

The best way to handle it is to keep another enemy between you and them and hope the other enemy attacks you. The goal is to mostly play keepaway long enough to recharge concussive IV and kill them.

If concussive is up, bait them into starting their combo and then immediately pop concussive to interrupt it, followed by charging them and if needed abyssal pulse and charge again. Hopefully you break their guard and can finish them off.

Empowered Captains: Like with empowered Knights, you will have to deal with them empowering. Your best bet is to abuse their slowness and bait them into charging you. Your main goal is just to survive and deal damage so you can recharge concussive. Remember that their special has to be interrupted, so try to make sure you have a clear path to them when needed.

Empowered Spell-weavers: Just the worst to deal with. Concussive and void trap should be used on these and they need to be targeted first. There isn’t much else to say about them. They are a major threat, kill them.

Aether-horror 1: This fight is fairly easy. Most attacks have fairly easy dodge patterns. Try to use your dashes to your advantage to break guard. The summon phase only has weak enemies on Relaxed, so feel free to pop void trap early, as you can have it recharged by phase 2. Fase 3 will add in an AoE attack around the Aether horror. Just dash out, wait for it to go off and dash back in.

This can be an endurance fight if you haven’t found anything to increase your health damage yet, but as long as you manage your dashes for guard damage and can dodge the horror’s combos it shouldn’t be an issue.

Honor Guard: There is no summon phase on relaxed, so focusing down one of them as soon as possible is a good idea. Concussive blast, void trap and abyssal pulse can all be used to separate them. If one of them is far away and you get an off-screen attack indicator, it’s probably the other knight charging you. You can just duck and continue whaling away at your current target until you hear the successful dodge tone. This fight is fairly easy.

Aether Horror 2, Fase 1

This is basically the same as the first fight Phase 1, except occasionally the Horror will leap away and begin charging an AoE. Just dash in and hit their head to interrupt it.

Aether Horror 2, Fase 2

This is a rough phase, as you’ll have to deal with fireballs, no way around it. The transition consists of this: A chain of 3 AoEs, followed by fireballs. Then another AoE, seguido por 2 fireballs with an AoE at the same time, then a final barrage of fireballs. It’s recommended you stay fairly far away for the first barrage, then close distance for the second one so you have time to slash the 2nd fireball and then dodge the AoE. then dash back to get distance for the last barrage.

After the transition, the Horror will leap down and do an AoE that begins covers a wide area. The trick is the AoE will go off near the horror first, followed by a short delay before the outer area goes off. So stay some distance away, wait for the near AoE to go off, then dash in. It can also do this during Phase 2 al azar, so don’t panic when you see the AoE indicators covering the entire arena. Just stay calm, wait for the inner AoE to go off, then dash in to avoid the outer AoE.

The horror will occasionally leap away, either to do various AoEs or to shoot fireballs at you. It will also occasionally move in to attack you, but how often it does that is largely random. Because of this you need to balance being aggressive to get through the phase versus managing your dash charges. If you are too aggressive you’ll dash in and be out of charges and get hit by AoE. If you aren’t aggressive enough it may play keep away and recharge it’s guard. Be aware of how many dash charges you have, and if you have all 5 feel free to dash in.

You may consider using your soul traps here, although this is risky as you won’t have them for Phase 3. it’s really a question of just how much you hate fireballs.

Aether Horror 2, Fase 3

La fase comienza con la convocatoria., que en relajado será un solo hechicero y algunos zombis y caballeros. El tejedor de hechizos siempre aparece a la izquierda de la plataforma. (tu izquierda, si estuvieras parado en medio de la habitación frente al horror). Debe posicionarse justo fuera del alcance del tablero y esperar el primer AoE. si esta claro, lánzate directamente al tejedor de hechizos y golpéalos. si no es, corre a un lugar seguro y luego lanza al tejedor de hechizos una vez que se activa el AoE. Tenga cuidado de no enfrentar la planta directamente con el zombi., y tenga cuidado de no ser golpeado por una bola de fuego durante el primer AoE.

Una vez que el tejedor de hechizos está abajo, mantén la distancia y espera a que pase el AoE, luego corre e intenta combinar rápidamente cuando sepas que es seguro. Idealmente, puedes derrotarlos sin usar conmoción cerebral para que lo tengas disponible para el horror., pero si necesitas usarlo, sentirse libre.

Una vez que el horror aterriza, empoderará, lo que habilita su combo potenciado y hace que todos sus ataques sean más rápidos. En este punto, el horror siempre saltará sobre ti y comenzará el combo potenciado.. If concussive is up, espere hasta que comience el combo y luego haga estallar con conmoción cerebral para interrumpirlo. Dash en, pulso abisal tan pronto como comienza a protegerse y vuelve a correr. Ojalá puedas romper su guardia. Si la trampa de vacío está levantada, también puedes simplemente abrirlo y pararte detrás de las trampas.

En el peor de los casos, donde no tiene supers disponibles, espera a que comience el combo, pato, y sigue retrocediendo. Be sure not to let it get too close as it will continue to advance as the combo goes off, and if it gets in range it can still hit you.

And that’s all for this Until You Fall guide. Nos gustaría agradecer EvadableMoxie for this achievement guide for Until You Fall. You can also refer to this video para una guía visual.

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Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..