Mushoku Tensei: Reencarnación desempleada

Mushoku Tensei: Episodio de reencarnación desempleado 3 spoilers, Fecha de lanzamiento: Dónde mirar en línea

Mushoku Tensei: Episodio de reencarnación desempleado 3 está a la vuelta de la esquina. Following the magical moments in the last episode, fans are now excited to see what will be the new adventure for Rudy.

En esta guía de anime, we will be giving you all the details that we know about the upcoming Mushoku Tensei: Episodio de reencarnación desempleado 3. Siga leyendo para conocer la fecha de lanzamiento oficial., título del episodio, and a short recap of the last episode.

Resumen del episodio anterior

At the very start of the 2nd episode of Mushoku Tensei: Reencarnación desempleada, we have seen a short backstory of Rudy’s previous life before dying on Earth. This flashback details why Rudy doesn’t want to go outside of their house.

Mushoku Tensei: Reencarnación desempleada

The episode also marks the end of Roxy’s home tutoring to Rudy. As seen in the episode, Rudy has become a sacred-level water mage upon the successful completion of the final exam that Roxy prepared for him. Now that the home tutoring is done, Roxy left Rudy’s house and the village.

What could be the next adventure for Rudy? Are we going to see him go for an adventure in the next episode?

Mushoku Tensei: Episodio de reencarnación desempleado 3 Actualizaciones

Below are the confirmed details about the 3rd episode of Mushoku Tensei: Reencarnación desempleada.

¿Cuándo es el Mushoku Tensei?: Episodio de reencarnación desempleado 3 fecha de lanzamiento?

A partir del momento, there is no announcement for any delay or schedule changes for the anime. This only means that we will be getting the new episode of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation on its regular schedule. Habiendo dicho eso, expect to watch the premiere of Mushoku Tensei: Episodio de reencarnación desempleado 3 el domingo, enero 24, 2021.

Where to watch Mushoku Tensei: Reencarnación desempleada?

You can watch the upcoming and all the previously released episodes of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation from the official anime distributors such as AnimeLab, Funimación, and YouTube via Muse Asia.

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Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..