Pokémon GO

Niantic comparte regalos y recompensas gratuitos de Pokémon GO, He aquí cómo reclamarlo

Niantic is giving free Pokemon GO gifts and rewards to all players around the world. Players who will be able to redeem the Pokemon GO promo code will be able to receive in-game items such as Golden Razz Berry, Pinap Berry, PokeBalls, y más.

Due to the lockdown that the government implemented in their countries, Pokemon GO players can’t go outside and play the game. This is not the first time for Niantic to make some adjustments to their game. Recientemente, they just temporarily doubled the gym distance interaction and also allow players to participate in Raid Battles from home.

Ahora, they are giving players free cool items in the game. Below is how you can redeem these free gifts from Niantic.

Cómo canjear el código promocional de Pokémon GO

There are two ways to redeem the promo codes in Pokemon GO. La forma más fácil es usar la función de canje en la aplicación. If you’re using an Android device, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Abre Pokemon GO y haz clic en el botón Menú principal.
  2. Haga clic en el botón Comprar
  3. Desplácese hacia abajo hasta encontrar el campo de texto
  4. Allí debe ingresar el código de promoción que se proporciona a continuación.
  5. Haz clic en Canjear y disfruta de tus artículos gratis.

Para usuarios que utilizan dispositivos iOS, here’s how you can redeem the promo code online.

  1. Ir Niantic’s Redemption website.
  2. Inicia sesión con tus credenciales de Pokémon GO.
    • Tienes tres opciones para iniciar sesión – usando google, Facebook, o Niantic Kids.
  3. Ingrese el código de promoción en el campo de texto
  4. Haga clic en el botón canjear y espere la confirmación.


Apart from the promo code, Niantic also shares another option to get free rewards. You need to add Niantic as your friend and they will send you free gifts. Once you receive the gift, you only have 24 hours to open it.

These free gifts and rewards from the Pokemon GO developer will be available until April 10, 2020.

Sobre el Autor

An ambitious Electronics engineer in the making. You can usually find her at the library or at the bedroom playing her favorite game Pokemon Sun and Moon. She's currently based in Japan for her internship.