Una pieza

Una pieza 974 Spoilers filtrados en Reddit insinúan el regreso a la línea de tiempo de Luffy

Upcoming One Piece Chapter 974 spoilers and raw scans have been leaked on a popular discussion website, suggesting the return of the current timeline in Wano Arc.

One Piece manga enthusiasts have been constantly receiving spoilers before the official chapter releases. El proximo One Piece manga 974 is not an exemption on this matter. En realidad, some of the details for the chapter have already been leaked on Reddit.

Capítulo de una pieza 974 spoilers

According to the popular One Piece spoiler leaker, Redon, Capítulo 974 será titulado «Onward to Onigashima!!». Following the events from the previous chapter, the title of the new One Piece manga is already giving us the idea that the current timeline will be resumed.

Una pieza 974 spoilers de r/OnePiece

Before the Kozuki Oden’s flashback, the Nine Scabbards, along with Momonuske were seen in despair following the disappearance of their allies. Al momento de escribir, we still don’t have the exact information about what happened to the Straw Hats and the other allies. But thanks to Kyoshiro’s identity reveal in the last chapter, at least we got some clue what will be happening to the raid.

Are you excited to read the official One Piece Chapter 974? Make sure to visit Visualización de medios or Manga Plus app by Shueisha.

Sobre el Autor

Billy es un fanático del anime.. Le encanta leer manga y ver anime durante su tiempo libre.. Sus series de anime y manga favoritas son One Piece y Hunter x Hunter..