Dónde encontrar una muestra de misión de erradicación en HELLDIVERS 2

Set spawn locations for all of the common samples on eradication maps

Welcome Helldivers!

Are you participating in eradication missions? Then don’t forget to do your part and pick up all of the common samples located on each of the maps!

Note that these samples always spawn in the same locations every time.

With eradication missions being one of the shortest mission types, you will be swimming in common samples in no time! Buena suerte!

Automaton Eradication A

Total samples: 10

White line: example route

Terminid Eradication A

Total Samples: 15

Nota: 8 are located in a cluster right next to the pad; no reason not to pick these up every round!

Terminid Eradication B

Total Samples: 7

esta guía sobre HELLDIVERS 2 fue escrito por Mozartichoke. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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