Capcom Confirmed Mega Man Live-Action Movie

Capcom has announced that their popular classic game Méga homme is getting its own live-action Hollywood movie to be distributed by 20th Century Fox Entertainment.

Following the steps of the other video games who got their own live-action films, Capcom is making things happen with their Mega Man.

Details of the cast for the live-action Mega Man are still unknown, toutefois, it will be written by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman. Cela étant dit, Capcom has just recently released Méga homme 11 which is currently one of the most purchased games right now for PC, PS4, Changer, et Xbox One.

As for the Mega Man live-action film, there is still no release date for the movie. Cependant, since the writers are already in line, we assume that we might be seeing the live-action movie by 2019.


A propos de l'auteur

Un ingénieur en électronique ambitieux en devenir. Vous pouvez généralement la trouver à la bibliothèque ou dans la chambre en train de jouer à son jeu préféré Pokémon Soleil et Lune.. Elle est actuellement basée au Japon pour son stage.