Resident Evil Village

Comment Covid-19 affecte le développement de Resident Evil Village

Le producteur de Capcom explique comment le COVID-19 a affecté le développement de Resident Evil Village, le nouveau jeu de la série.

Un nouveau Resident Evil Village vidéo was released by Capcom, this time after the game hit stores, focusing on its development. In the video, the producers detail how the coronavirus pandemic affected the production of the game, which was announced during the social isolation of 2020 and possibly had a good part done in this more secluded environment.

Sato Morimasa, Village production director, explained that the game’s production was completely paused when COVID-19 started to spread around the world. The break was for a whole month and this worried the production team, which resulted in more work for the game to be ready on schedule, après.

He also explains that the game plays with the concept of survival to the maximum, that this was very much seen in battles against enemies, even the most common ones, and that is why they made some parts of Village very scary. It is mentioned that, during testing, the game was consideredtoo difficult and boring”, which led to drastic changes.

The video, with English subtitles, can be seen below:

Horror Returns

Directed by Sato Morimasa and created with RE Engine,  Resident Evil Village came to consoles and computers, as the latest version of Capcom’s famous series. The game continues facts that happened in  Resident Evil 7, also the first created by Sato, in an almost direct way, presenting a new approach to the horror already known, now in European territory.

A propos de l'auteur

Earl fait partie de ces joueurs qui joueront à presque tous les nouveaux jeux. Mais il préfère jouer aux FPS et aux jeux en monde ouvert.