Comment vérifier la RAM dans Huawei P60 Pro?

In a world bursting with technological advancements, les smartphones font désormais partie intégrante de nos vies. Among these wonders, the Huawei P60 Pro stands tall, captivating users with its exceptional performance.

Cependant, have you ever stopped to wonder how this incredible device manages to handle multiple tasks seamlessly? The answer lies within its RAM, the unsung hero that keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes.

But how can you check the RAM on your Huawei P60 Pro? N'ayez pas peur, for we have the answers you seek.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of this magnificent device’s RAM, unlocking its full potential and ensuring a seamless experience like never before.

Checking Ram Size In Huawei P60 Pro Through Settings

One of the key factors that affects the performance of the Huawei P60 Pro is the size of its working memory, also known as RAM. The RAM is responsible for temporarily storing data that the device needs to access quickly, which in turn allows for smooth multitasking and efficient app performance.

Par conséquent, it is crucial to know how to check the RAM size in your Huawei P60 Pro to ensure optimal device performance.

To check the RAM size through the device settings, Suivez ces étapes:

  1. Go to Settings on your Huawei P60 Pro.

  2. Faites défiler vers le bas et appuyez sur “A propos du téléphone”.

  3. Recherchez l'option intitulée “RAM” et tape dessus.

Upon tapping on the “RAM” option, the Huawei P60 Pro will display the size of its RAM. This information can be useful when determining the capability of your device to handle multiple apps and tasks simultaneously.

Keeping an eye on the RAM size can help you make informed decisions about which apps to install and use on your Huawei P60 Pro.

Alternative Method To Check Ram Size In Huawei P60 Pro

Dans certains cas, the aforementioned method may not display the RAM size on your Huawei P60 Pro. Cependant, there is an alternative method that you can try:

  1. Go to Settings on your Huawei P60 Pro.

  2. Faites défiler vers le bas et appuyez sur “A propos du téléphone”.

  3. Recherchez l'option intitulée “Numéro de build” and tap on it multiple times.

  4. After tapping the “Numéro de build” plusieurs fois, you will see a message indicating that you are now a developer.

  5. Go back to the main settings menu and scroll down to find the newly unlocked “Options de développeur” menu.

  6. Appuyez sur “Options de développeur” et cherche le “Total memory” section.

Le “Total memorysection under Developer Options will display the RAM size of your Huawei P60 Pro. This method provides an alternative way to access this information if the previous method did not work for you.

Using Third-Party Apps To Check Ram In Huawei P60 Pro

If you prefer to use third-party applications to check the RAM size in your Huawei P60 Pro, several options are available. These apps can provide additional information about your device’s RAM beyond just the size.

Here are a few popular choices:

  1. DevCheck: This app offers detailed information about various aspects of your device’s hardware, including RAM.

Simply download DevCheck from the Google Play Store, ouvre-le, and navigate to the RAM section to access the RAM size.

  1. Info appareil: Comme le nom le suggère, Device Info provides comprehensive details about your Huawei P60 Pro.

After downloading and opening the app, you can find the RAM size under its hardware information section.

  1. AIDA64: Another reliable option is AIDA64, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Une fois installé, open AIDA64 and go to the “Système” languette. The RAM size will be displayed under the RAM line.

If AIDA64 is not available or if you prefer other similar programs, there are several alternatives that offer similar functionality. These apps can be helpful in obtaining accurate and detailed information about the RAM size and other hardware specifications of your Huawei P60 Pro.

En conclusion, knowing how to check the RAM size on your Huawei P60 Pro is vital in ensuring efficient device performance. En suivant les étapes décrites ci-dessus, you can easily access this information through the device settings or opt for third-party apps for more detailed reports.

Keep in mind that keeping an eye on your device’s RAM size will help you make informed decisions regarding app usage and device optimization, ultimately leading to a smoother and more efficient user experience.

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