Épisode One Piece 923

Épisode One Piece 924 Still on Break, New Premiere Date Revealed

It’s been a while since the previous One Piece episode releases but it seems that fans need to wait a little longer as the upcoming One Piece Episode 924 is not yet coming today. If you’re one of the fans waiting for the release of the new episode, continue reading as we will guide you when and where to watch the anime online.

Épisode One Piece 923 Short Recap

The last episode gave One Piece fans interesting scenes. Starting from the banquet at Orochi’s castle at the Flower Capital, other Straw Hat members sneaking in, and the revealing of how Kid lost his arm. en outre, a new character has also been introduced and the action-packed arrival of the Big Mom Pirates to the Wano Country. Will Big Mom be able to enter the country?

Épisode One Piece 924 Date de première

Malheureusement, fans have to wait for another week before getting the new One Piece episode. Due to the marathon event happening in Japan right now, One Piece staff have to reschedule the release of the new episode. Media outlet airing the series will be focusing on covering the said event.

Once the Japanese marathon ended, Épisode One Piece 924 titré The Capital in an Uproar! Another Assassin Targets Sanji!” airing will be resumed on March 15, 2020.

One Piece Anime Series Streaming

Thanks to the popularity of the anime, you have a lot of options where you can watch the series. Make sure to watch One Piece Episode 924 from the official streaming platforms such as Animelab, Funimation, Crunchyroll, Hulu, et VRV. Pour plus de détails, visit the site officiel of the anime.

A propos de l'auteur

Billy est un fan de geek d'anime. Il adore lire des mangas et regarder des anime pendant son temps libre.. Ses séries d'anime et de manga préférées sont One Piece et Hunter x Hunter..