Pokemon GO Chimchar Community Day

Pokemon GO Chimchar Community Day Event Announced

Pokemon GO has revealed Chimchar as the featured Pokemon for the Community Day in November 2019.

Chimchar Community Day will take place on November 16th from 11:00 AM à 2:00 PM featuring the spawn rate increase of Chimchar, decreased egg hatching distance, and 3-hour Lure Module effectivity.

All Chimchar evolved into Infernape during the event period will be able to learn an exclusive move. The exclusive move for Infernape next months is not yet revealed, so in the meantime, we recommend bookmarking this page to get the update once it becomes available.

Similar to the previous Community Day events, expect to see and encounter Shiny Chimchar next month.

A propos de l'auteur

Un ingénieur en électronique ambitieux en devenir. Vous pouvez généralement la trouver à la bibliothèque ou dans la chambre en train de jouer à son jeu préféré Pokémon Soleil et Lune.. Elle est actuellement basée au Japon pour son stage.