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How to answer correctly to All Sphinx riddles in chapter 3 in The Endless Empty

Sphinx Walkthrough

Sphinx is a character that you’ll have to pass obligatory through it in chapter 3.

Play till you find it.

The Sphinx RiddlesCorrect Answers

When you try to pass the door it will ask you to solve its riddles.

It can be difficult to know the correctanswers, so that’s why im doing this guide, let’s do it quick:

First riddle:

We select 234

Second riddle:

We select 2:24

Third riddle:

We select 7.08sq meters

Fourth riddle: (Last one)

We select x = 2,3

E… DONE! You’ll be granted the achievement, have a great day!

Questa guida su The Endless Empty è stato scritto da J1. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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