Trifoglio Nero

Capitolo Trifoglio Nero 250 Spoilers and Raw Scans Leaked

It’s a new week for Asta fans as the Black Clover manga will finally return. Unlike other mangas which have been delayed due to the pandemic, Trifoglio Nero seems to continue its production.

This week, fans will be getting the new Capitolo Trifoglio Nero 250 and similar to what happened in the previous weeks, spoilers and raw scans have already been leaked online. Note that the following content will be the Black Clover manga chapter 250 spoiler. If you don’t want to get spoiled before the official chapter releases, we recommend stopping reading from here.

Capitolo Trifoglio Nero 250 Spoiler

According to the leaked Black Clover Chapter 250 spoiler, the new chapter will be featuring Charmy as she fights Vanica’s subordinate. It will be a fight between two the same genders which is expected to show off their skills.

Charmy is a dwarf-human hybrid and the spoilers suggest that she will be receiving a power upgrade. The raw scans suggest that her opponent is also who seems to be using some kind of hair magic. While she’s facing a strong opponent, it seems that Charmy still seems to be the winner as shown in the leaked Black Clover Chapter 250 raw scans.

Where to read Black Clover Chapter 250?

You can read all the upcoming and previously released Black Clover manga chapters from the official distributors and publishers. Al momento della scrittura, the only authorized partners that I know distributing the manga online are Viz Media and Manga Plus by Shueisha. Apart from Black Clover, these sources are also releasing new manga for popular manga series that is available on the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine.

When is Black Clover Chapter 250 data di rilascio?

There are lots of manga series that are being delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan. fortunatamente, it seems that there will be no delay for Yūki Tabata’s Black Clover manga.

Since the spoilers and raw scans have already been leaked online, it’s safe to say that Black Clover Chapter 250 verrà rilasciato domenica, Maggio 17, 2020. Stay tuned for more Black Clover updates!

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.