Ciclo mortale

Deathloop Save Game Data File Location

Are you looking for the save game data of Deathloop? In questo articolo, we will be showing you the directory location of the Deathloop save game file. Inoltre, we will also be showing you the directory of the configuration file of the game. Senza ulteriori indugi, Iniziamo.

Deathloop Save Game Data Location

Unlike any other PC game, developer Arkane Studios has decided to store the save game file of Deathloop locally. This means that players can access and make some modifications to their saves. Here is where you can find the Deathloop save game data on Windows PC:

C:\UtentiNome utente\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Deathloop\base\savegame\ID utente\

Note that the Username is the profile name of your Windows. As for the User ID, this is your Steam user ID. Come menzionato sopra, we will also be sharing the directory location of the configuration file. For those who are looking for the configuration file, you can find it on the same directory stated above. Sì, the save game data and configuration file are located in the same directory folder.

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King è un ex dipendente di un'azienda informatica in Canada. Ora lavora nell'azienda di famiglia. Ama anche il gioco e la scrittura.