Sfida Fortbyte 95 Posizione

Fortbyte di Fortnite #95 Posizione: Trovato in un pannello solare nella Guida della giungla

Fortnite has unlocked a new challenge in Fortbyte Challenges. Questa volta, players need to complete Fortbyte #95 chiamato Found at a Solar Panel Array in the Jungle. If you’re a new Fortnite player or just not familiar with the Season 9 carta geografica, here’s where you need to go to complete today’s challenge.

Sfida Fortbyte 95 Guida alla posizione

As stated in the title of Fortbyte Challenge #95, the location of the chip can be found at a solar panel in the jungle. But where exactly can we find the solar panel?

Sfida Fortbyte 95 Posizione

Per iniziare, all you need to do is visit the solar panel located at the northwest of Sunny Steps and east of the lakes (dove il Sfida Fortbyte #17 is located). The solar panel also has a coordinate of H2 on the map and it can be spotted easily when you’re still gliding since it reflects some of the light from the sun. Una volta arrivato, all you need to do is collect the chip in front of the solar panel, just on the left side of the stairs.

E questo è tutto. Still having a hard time locating the solar panel? Check out the video below for a detailed guide.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.