Sblocca istantaneamente l'obiettivo Guerriero post-umano in Crysis 2 Rimasterizzato

Scarica il file di salvataggio del gioco(.raro) ed estrarlo. Al termine dell'estrazione, put the extracted folder in this location

C:\Users\username\Saved Games\Crysis2Remastered

and replace when prompted.

Make sure to do a backup of your files and turn your steam cloud OFF before attempting this!

Link of the Save game can be found qui.

Post-Human Warrior

Post-Human Warrior

After following the steps mentioned above start the game and click on Continue, you will spawn in the last checkpoint of the game. Complete the last section and the achievement will unlock.

It will also unlock the following achievements if not unlocked earlier: Medaglia d'onore, Cuore di tenebra, Men of Destiny, Evoluzione, City That Never Sleeps and Start Spreading the News.

Speeding Ticket and The Tourist

Start the game with the above mentioned steps and Load mission 2 (Second Chance). The last souvenir and the last speeding ticket can be found on this mission on the following places, collect them and the achievement will unlock.

Questa guida su crisi 2 Rimasterizzato è stato scritto da AnixDutta99. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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