Guida dettagliata agli obiettivi di Mystery in the Office

This guide includes the walkthrough of the gameMystery in the Officeand describes how to get all the achievements.


Il “Procedura dettagliata” part of the guide only describes actions you need to perform to finish the game. The rest is dedicated to getting the achievemets.

You can continue to explore the game after finishing it.

The game doesn’t have a save feature, so you will need to perform all the actions in one run in order to complete the game.

Procedura dettagliata

Pick up a badge from the receptionist table.

Pick up floppy disk at the hr department.

Use the badge to open the door to the manager’s office and pick up a clipboard.

Go to the small meeting room and click on the suitcase.

Go to directors room and click on the computer.

Go to the large meeting room and click on the phone.

Go to men’s bathroom and pick up fire extinguisher.

Open the door to the janitor’s room.

Enter the janitor’s room and pick up an axe.

Go to the stairs and get rid of the fire. Go downstairs and pick up a board.

Use the axe to open the server room (a door at the right of the men’s bathroom). Enter the room and click on the servers.

Go to the exit and open the door.


Go through exit.

Fast as lightning
Finish the game in less than two minutes.

Good listener
Listen to all the tapes (5 totale).

Pick up all Rubic’s Cubes (5 totale).

Eat all donuts (3 totale).

Food lover
Eat all sandwiches (5 totale).

An apple a day
Eat all fruits (3 totale).

Evil plan
Click on a working printer.

Viaggiatore nel tempo
Find the clock that shows incorrect time.

Torna al lavoro
Click all “Torna al lavoro” posters (12 totale).



In the sales room opposite to the tape player.


At the hr department.


Small meeting room.


Large meeting room.


Exit room.

Rubic’s Cubes


On the receptionist table at the beginning of the game.


Di sopra.


At the hr department.


Directors room.


Exit room.

– Ciambelle

Ciambella 1


Ciambella 2

Kitchen area.

Ciambella 3

Large meeting room.


Sandwich 1

Manager’s office.

Sandwich 2

Kitchen area.

Sandwich 3

Directors room.

Sandwich 4

Piano inferiore.

Sandwich 5

Women’s bathroom.


Fruits 1


Fruits 2

Sales room.

Fruits 3

Janitor’s room.

– Manifesti

Poster 1


Poster 2

Hr department.

Poster 3

Manager’s office.

Poster 4

Small meeting room.

Poster 5

Area before exit.

Poster 6

Directors room.

Poster 7

Directors room.

Poster 8

Sales room.

Poster 9

Sales room.

Poster 10

Men’s bathroom.

Poster 11

Server room.

Poster 12

Di sopra.

– Altro

You can find the clock at the manager’s office. Click on it to get the achievement.

You can find the printer in the server room. Click on it and then click on a printed image to get the achievement.

Questa guida su Mystery in the Office è stato scritto da Triste Sensei. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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