Un pezzo - Zoro vs Jack

Capitolo di un pezzo 921: Spoiler, Predizioni, e data di rilascio

For sure some of you are still in a hangover for the previous Chapter 920. Bene, even us are still thrilled with the revelation that happened from the last chapter.

In Capitolo 920, we learned about the history of Kozuki clan, Oden’s death is confirmed, Oden’s wife is responsible for the time travel, and their plans to take down Kaido is about to start in Chapter 921.

UPDATE: Check out the latest Capitolo di un pezzo 921 Spoiler e scansioni grezze

Capitolo di un pezzo 921 Spoiler e previsioni

Prima di iniziare, please be reminded that this article may contain spoilers. Così, it’s up to you if you still want to continue reading.

Nel capitolo di One Piece 921, it’s clear that the Wano war is about to start. Per questa ragione, I think we will be seeing Zoro fight again. Questa volta, Zoro might be facing Jack in the next chapter.

Zoro vs Jack Fan Art
Zoro vs Jack Fan Art by ErionRoronoa

Nel frattempo, the fact that Hawkins is part of Kaido’s crew and confirmed that he’s in Wano, there’s a chance that he might be facing the Heart Pirates. Tuttavia, I think we won’t be able to see Hawkins and Law fight in this chapter, so maybe a glimpse of their future fight.

Another event that may cover Chapter 921 is the arrival of the Mink tribe and the three musketeers and the guardians. Aiming to move forward and leave Oden’s Castle to start the war.

Capitolo di un pezzo 921
Capitolo di un pezzo 921

Capitolo di un pezzo 921 Data di rilascio

As previously predicted during the early scans of Capitolo 920, Capitolo di un pezzo 921 will be on break next week. So expect to see this new chapter on October 22nd.

Circa l'autore

Blogger di giochi, paracadutista e madre di 2. Uno scrittore part-time e anche un giocatore. Al momento, Gioco solo ai giochi sul PC. Ma chi lo sa, Un giorno potrei comprare una PS4.