Pokemon Marowak di Alola

Il Raid Day di Pokemon GO Alolan Marowak non avrà luogo, Confermato il supporto Niantic

Following the Evento di Halloween di Pokémon GO 2019 announcement earlier today, many players received in-app news about the Alolan Marowak Raid Day.

With this lots of news announced for just a single day, Pokemon GO players got excited and spread it in different forums and groups. Tuttavia, it seems that something went wrong from Niantic’s side as they announced that the Alolan Marowak Raid Day is a false alarm.

According to Niantic Support on Twitter, they have confirmed that there was an error in the in-app news about the Alolan Marowak Raid Day and added that the event is not happening. Anche, they apologized for the miscommunication that the in-app news brought to the Pokemon GO community.

What do you think of this error about the Alolan Marowak Raid Day? Are you disappointed that it’s not happening?

Circa l'autore

Un ambizioso ingegnere elettronico in divenire. Di solito puoi trovarla in biblioteca o in camera da letto mentre gioca al suo gioco preferito Pokemon Sole e Luna. Attualmente vive in Giappone per il suo stage.