Distintivo della polizia randagia: Dove e come arrivare

One of the requirements to unlock the Stray trophy/achievement chiamato “Badgeis to find the Police Badge. Tuttavia, you can’t easily find this badge on a plain sight as it is hidden inside the jail. This guide will show you where to find and how to get the Police Badge in Stray.

How to Get Police Badge

Our starting point is at the center of the map, where we see the robot hologram. Da li, look to the right side where you can see the bar with a pink logo.

Da li, go down the alley on the left. If you have already obtained the worker jacket, then you already know this area. Jump onto the table and climb until you reach the very back of the alley. Use the air conditioning unit as a platform.

Your final destination is to reach the roof, where you can see a window of the jail cell. Jump into the window and enter the prison cell.

Una volta dentro, you should see a dead robot. All you need to do is approach the robot and interact with it to get the Police Badge.

And that’s how you can get the Police Badge in Stray. Alla ricerca di altre guide? Sentiti libero di sfogliare il nostro Stray guide directory.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.