Vinland Saga

Episodio della saga di Vinland 21 Data dell'aria; Dove guardare online?

Thorfinn and Askeladd accompanied Canute facing King Sweyn. Their plans to take down the king are still on its way which is why fans should take note of the Episodio della saga di Vinland 21 data di rilascio.

What could be the perfect plan to kill King Swayne and take the crown? Is the presence of Thorkell enough to face the might of the current king?

Quando è l'episodio della saga di Vinland 21 data di rilascio?

Vinland Saga

Wit Studio is airing the new Vinland Saga episode every Monday, which only means that fans will be able to see more actions of Canute and his allies to taking the throne.

For the upcoming episode, Episodio della saga di Vinland 21 should become available to watch on December 9th at 12:10 SONO (JST). Fans in Japan will be the first to watch the new episode, while fans on the west and other parts of the world can see the latest events shortly after the initial airing.

Dove guardare l'episodio di Vinland Saga 21?

Vinland Saga

Unlike the other popular anime out there, Vinland Saga anime can only be watched from its one official distributor. Attualmente, Vinland Saga is an Amazon Prime exclusive series. Detto ciò, you won’t be able to watch it from the other popular anime streaming sites such as Crunchyroll.

guarda l'episodio della saga di Vinland 21, you need to have an active Amazon Prime subscription. This premium service costs $8.99 al mese. If you’re not yet a subscriber, Amazon is currently offering a 30-day trial to the service that you can visit qui.

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Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.