
コナンエグザイルアップデート 1.58 パッチがリリースされました, パフォーマンスの向上

Developer Funcom has released a new update for the survival video game コナンエグザイルズ. 新しい Conan Exiles update 1.58 has been rolled out today to address some known bugs and other issues in the game. 以下のパッチノートで詳細な変更を確認してください.

コナンエグザイルアップデート 1.58 パッチノート


  • Fixed an issue which would cause increased CPU utilization.
  • Fixed an out of memory issue on dedicated servers.
  • Addressed a number of server crashes.


  • Increased security measures against server flooding.
  • Fixed an exploit that would cause a server to crash under specific circumstances.


  • Fixed an issue where followers would refuse to attack under specific circumstances.
  • Thralls would randomly enter a space-time continuum paradox upon teleporting which would render them unable to move when commanded. We fixed this with science.
  • Fixed an issue where followers would die of falling damage
  • Adjusted collision on horses and rhinos to avoid them bumping the player when on follow. 私達’re working on a better solution for these and other pets.


  • Fixed some issues with building textures.


  • Fixed a LOD issue that would cause NPCs and wildlife to movechoppyat lower distances than intended.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.