サイバーパンク 2077

サイバーパンク 2077 – ヨットの入手方法

This guide will be covering the basic steps on how to obtain a yacht in Cyberpunk 2077. If you’re one of the players who are looking for a new vehicle, これはあなたのために.

How to Get a Yacht in Cyberpunk 2077

Everyone talks about V’s hidden mansion that is a pain in the groin to get to and climb down. また, there are countless clips showing you how to get all the cars, motorcycles, the best weapons or legendary gear.

しかし, you don’t hear about his yacht that doesn’t require any jumping skill or acrobatics. It’s like this hidden gem nobody is talking about. 良い, 私の友人, you’re going to hear about it from me. There is a Gig called, The Frolics of Councilwoman Cole.

サイバーパンク 2077

Here is a view from the street, looking down.

サイバーパンク 2077

基本的, you need to get something from this Bar building.

サイバーパンク 2077

There are mobs to kill, around half a dozen or so. 事は, once you get the quest item from the bar building, the quest is done. そう, I’d imagine this is why it’s overlooked. If you go past the bar building towards the barrier, you’ll see a yacht is docked.

サイバーパンク 2077

There’s one mob guarding the entrance further down the dock if you haven’t killed him.

サイバーパンク 2077

Once he’s dead, the yacht is yours to explore. There is quite a lot of cash stashed all over the ship. と, you can revisit your yacht any time after. Just make sure you kill all the mobs in that area. Enjoy your new yacht.
