Dead by Daylight モバイル

Dead by Daylight モバイルに LeatherFace が追加

Behaviour Interactive’s Dead by Daylight Mobile has become one of the most downloaded and played mobile game in iOS and Android. It’s been a month since its release and the game has already received lots of updates.

Speaking of updates, Dead by Daylight モバイル has officially added a new playable character in the game. Players can now play as LeatherFaceThe Cannibalin Dead by Daylight Mobile.

LeatherFace is a deadly killer in the games as he is equipped with three perks: Barbecue & Chilli, ノックアウト, and Franklin’s Demise. Apart from these incredible perks, LeatherFace’s loadout also includes a deadly sledgehammer and Bubba’s chainsaw.

Apart from the new character, the new Dead by Daylight also includes some minor changes. 今, the progression system of characters will now be tied to individual XP versus the Bloodweb. The stated character XP can be earned by using the character and receiving emblems every finished game.

The new update also adds Treacherous Watters Collection outfit which is available in the market. それ以外, Dead by Daylight Mobile also adds stability, バグの修正, and quality-of-life improvements.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.