ホライゾン ゼロ ドーン

Horizo​​n Zero Dawn アップデート 1.03 パッチが PC で利用可能になりました

Guerrilla Games has rolled out the newest Horizon Zero Dawn update 1.03 for the PC version of the game.

新しいアップデート バージョン 1.03 本日公開されました, 8月 31, 2020, to address some of the known issues and bugs in the Horizon Zero Dawn PC version. 公式リリースノートにあるように, the new patch has fixed the GPU issues that have been causing random game crashes.

バグ修正とは別に, it is also worth noting that the new Horizon Zero Dawn patch 1.03 includes stability and overall gameplay improvements. It’s been a while since the 以前の更新 リリースされました. Now that the new patch is available, players should expect that the game will be smoother than before.

アップデートについてもっと知りたい方へ, 以下の詳細な変更ログを自由に確認してください.

Horizo​​n Zero Dawn アップデート 1.03

Horizo​​n Zero Dawn アップデート 1.03 パッチノート

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed a GPU resource leak which could build up over time and cause instability.
  • Fixed a GPU hang that caused a crash that could occur when Asynchronous Compute was used.
  • Fixed a crash when AI would try to aim at an invalid position.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when sound obstruction was calculated in highly detailed areas.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when moving the game to a monitor with different DPI settings while in the menu.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would crash on startup due to incorrect memory allocation.
  • Fixed a GPU hang that would occur when the window was resized to a very small size.

Progression Issues

  • Fixed a progression issue where some players would remain a child and not transition to adult Aloy.

Functionality Issues

  • Fixed an issue where snow deformation was not working correctly in the Frozen Wilds area.
  • Fixed an issue where the Concentration skill could stop working.


  • 4K ScalingFixed an issue where the game wouldnt render at 4K properly on boot.
  • Frame Rate LimiterImproved Frame Rate Limiter functionality to be more accurate.
  • ローカリゼーション – Localized specific error messages.
  • Windows Version CheckThe game checks if Windows 10 建てる 1809 or above is used (lower versions cause instability in DirectX 12).
  • Minimum Spec WarningImproved minimum spec warning message and options.
  • Saving Issue WarningClarified text that is displayed when you do not have access to your My document folder or enough disk space.
  • Player Profile ValidationThe player profile is now validated and corrupt profiles (caused by manual editing or tweak tools) rejected.



Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.