
Adding Bus stops to a city

Find a generated city

Click the road icon on your menu at the top.

6番目のオプションを選択してください (bus stop icon) から “Road Construction

がある 2 types of bus stations:

  • 1 end one (may not work with a lot of bus mods

  • Through one

Select the desired one and place it (remember about selecting the right orientation!)

Building a Vehicle Depot

Now we will need to place the road depot.

Once again click the road icon

and select 5th option (garage icon)

から “Road Contruction

Select the right orientation and place it.

Now open the depot tab by clicking on it

Buying a Vehicle

Click New vehicles and select the desired bus.

がある 2 buses to choose from in the vanilla game.

You can also check the capacity of the bus in the parameters (shown by red brackets in the screenshot)

クリック “Buy Vehicle

Adding a Timetable to a Bus

After buying your bus, there should appearRoad Vehicle #number” タブ.

If not click the bus shown in your depot.

の “Road Vehicle #number” タブ, click the yellow arrow, thats the command manager.

In it click “に行く” and click on all your bus stations.

Activating a Bus

Now you can close all the tabs except theRoad Vehicle #number

In it click the big redStopped

The bus will now be activated and hopefully make you money transporting passengers

の “後” セクション

By creating this bus line successfully, you can create whatever other line you want!

Trains, Ships and even Planes. All of them uses the exact thing principle.

このガイドについて OpenTTD によって書かれた Bako. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
