取得する方法 4 Stars in All Levels in LilGuardsman

Ever wanted to get 4 stars on a level with no effort? Well this is for you! These solutions are the best ones I have found to avoid using your good olcrystals and still get the job done nicely.

Level One

夫人. Abernathy

This one is pretty easy. You just have to let her pass and it’s on to the next hopeful passerby.

1. Inspect anything you want to- it’s important to know what resources are available!

2. Let her in- Despite what the writ says, caution is unwarranted against Mrs. Abernathy today. Letting her pass will get you that gold ribbon with ease!

Tyronius Athanatos

1. からかう- Of course you have to tease this pretentious prick first! He’s clearly up to no good, insulting our precious Lil.

2. Truth spray- Turns out thisrenowned magewants to incite a rebellion in the sprawl!

3. Call Ashe- She needs to know that her precious speech-giver is a rebel!

4. Deny him! Letting him enter even after finding out his nefarious plans? That’s a no-go!

Denise D’Cyclops

1. Trust- Why would you doubt this protective mama bear who clearly wants the best for her children?

2. Trust- Sometimes you need to listen to someone’s story. Hear them out.

3. Decoder ring- Something doesn’t seem right! It looks like her boys can’t spell! おお, and also that Kellii is nightmore.

4. Admit her! She needs to give that lady a talking-to if she’s going to be bad to her kids.

Grumpkin T. Dankworth (& Whelp)

1. Bullwhip- You can easily find out about the blood gold they are carrying using this. You can also earn some sweet sweet cash by confiscating this!

2. 拒否- Letting such a shady visitor in? 本当に? It’s not time to ruin The Sprawl まだ!

Garby Bunches

1. Return his papers and ID- it’s not a good idea to confiscate them.

2. からかう- Why pass up the chance to hear Lil say touche?

3. Trust- No need to doubt an honest merchant!

4. Call Malcomb! Time for your first payment of many!

5. Admit him! Did you really want no one to do business with?

このガイドについて リル' Guardsman によって書かれた MostAnimalsAreCute. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
