Counter-Strike でビルドとデバッグ情報を非表示にする方法 2

このガイドでは, I’ll show you how to hide the CS2 Debug / Build Info in the bottom left of your screen. It should help if you have an OLED or if it is distracting / 迷惑な.

Console Command

In order to hide the debug info, you will need to enter a command in the developer console.
If you already have the console enabled, the command you want to enter is:

r_show_build_info 0

If you do not know how to open your console, or do not have it enabled (it is disabled by default), please continue reading.

ノート: If after restarting your game, the debug text reappears again, you’ll want to add it to an autoexec config file. 下, I have shown how to create one yourself in a couple minutes.

Enable developer console

If you don’t have the developer console enabled already, simply follow these 2 steps.

ステップ 1: Open settings within CS2.

ステップ 2: navigate to GAME, then change Enable Developer Console (〜) to YES as shown in the picture below.

This should allow you to press your tilde (〜) key that is between ESCAPE and TAB on your keyboard.

Simply press this button and now you are able to type out the command above.

This console command should remove the debug text even after restarting your game, but if it reappears, continue reading for a fix.

Create an autoexec file (2-5 分)

An autoexec file is a config file that runs when Counter-Strike launches. This can be useful for anyone who uses the developer console to type in commands that reset after each game launch.

In order to set one up, you need to do the following:

ステップ 1: Open Steam and navigate to your Library. ここから, you should find Counter-Strike 2 in your games list and right click on it and press Properties.

ステップ 2: Navigate from the General tab to Installed Files, then press the Browse button

ステップ 3: A Windows Explorer window should have opened up, now go ahead and Navigate to the “ゲーム” フォルダ

ステップ 4: そこから, に移動します “csgo” フォルダ

ステップ 5: 次, 開く “cfg” フォルダ

ステップ 6: Right click in the empty spaces to the sides of the folder items and create a new Text Document. Note that I have a Windows Explorer option calledShow File Extensionsenabled which lets you see the file extensions (like .EXE, .mp3, .mp4 etc). You may not have this enabled, but it should not be an issue in this guide.

ステップ 7: この時点で, you’ll see the new text file highlighted in blue, and you can go ahead and name that anything you want. I named my file as autoexec. You can also feel free to delete the file after the end of this guide for cleanup, but it really is not necessary to do so. Now open the document. It should open in Notepad.

特記事項: If for some reason another text editor is executed, feel free to use that one if you’re comfortable with that or you may right click on the file and manually select to Open With Notepad using the Open WithSubmenu.

ステップ 8: Open the text file and go ahead and paste in the commandr_show_build_info 0” (引用符なし)

ステップ 9: This is all the config file needs for now. 将来, this file will accept any other valid commands and can be used to autorun other commands. Go ahead and press “ファイル” in the top left of Notepad, then move your mouse to Save As… それをクリックしてください.

ステップ 10: You should be prompted with a new window titled Save As. It should appear like so.

You will first want to navigate to the drop down menu that saysSave as type:” and change that from “テキストドキュメント (.TXT)” に “すべてのファイル (*.*)”.

次, you click the blue highlighted text and delete everything in the text field, then type with brackets includedautoexec.cfgand then go ahead and press the Save button.

ステップ 11: You may close out of all the windows now, except for the Steam window. Navigate back to that and just like previously, あなたの図書館に行ってください, navigate to Counter-Strike 2 and right click on it, finally clicking on the Properties button.

それで, navigate to the General tab if it isn’t already selected, and scroll down a tiny bit to reveal the LAUNCH OPTIONS.
そこから, type in the following (引用符なしで):

“+exec autoexec.cfg

ステップ 12: That is it! You may have to restart Counter-Strike 2 if it isn’t already closed. ご質問がある場合、またはサポートが必要な場合は, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll try my best to respond.

このガイドについて カウンターストライク 2 によって書かれた bonk!. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
