アーカムホラー: Mother's Embrace

大量殺人の実績 – アーカムホラー: 母の抱擁

Mass Murder
殺す 3 opponents in a single investigator’s turn.

How to Unlock Mass Murder Achievement

Strictly speaking, this achievement could be done in any chapter with Birthlings (the exploding little monsters).

Just get three of them close enough together so that they are in range to be killed and explode after one gets downed. Killing one will set off a chain reaction and unlock the achievement.

でも, の “A Morbid Dance in the Second Line” (シナリオ 8) you meet a confused man towards the end of the level who will start a fight and will spawn three of the little ones in perfect position. Just shoot one and watch them all explode.

ガイド Ouka.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.